
sarah palin

sarah palin is john mccain's running mate. really? sarah palin? who the fuck is sarah palin? according to the cbc, she's 44 years old, she's pro life, a hunter and gun advocate, a mother of five who went through with her last birth knowing the baby would have down syndrome, a former union member married to a blue collar union man and a political reformer who fought corruption. and, she's absolutely inexperienced at the federal level. oh, and did i mention she could easily be president of the united states? john mccain (sometimes known as vlad the impaler), basically has one foot in the grave, and should he die in office, she'd be running the country.

this came out of left field, surprising everybody. the obvious ploy here is to steer those 18 million disgruntled hilary clinton supporters, but i have a feeling she'll be too conservative for their liking. however, should they decide to vote for mccain based on the fact that he chose a woman (not just any woman, but a party-line conservative woman) as his running mate, then so be it. after eight years of bush, and a potential four years of mccain, i'm starting to wonder if there is any truth to the saying that americans get the president they deserve.

realistically, senator joe biden should be able to eat palin alive on pretty much any major federal issue, and obama should be able to handle mccain easily. but stranger things have happened. we are, after all, talking about a voting population that gave bush a second term.

it looks like history will be made regardless of which party wins the election. this has officially turned into a circus.

finally, you know when something strange happens and you get a nervous smile on your face? yeah, you know, it's that "what the fuck just happened?!" look. well, if you look carefully, it definitely appears that even mccain has no idea what just happened.