
harper vs himself

harper keeps doing it to himself. you wouldn't think someone could put both feet in his mouth at the same time, but you would be wrong. he's been telling everyone with an ear that the coalition is illegal, and that it would mean the rest of canada would be held hostage by the bloc quebecois. the reality is, it's all misinformation, because all he has left is lying and fear tactics. the truth is, the coalition is legal, so legal in fact that he tried the same thing in 2004, and in 2000, the former reform party also tried to form an alliance with the bloc quebecois. the coalition won't be held hostage, because it's only a coalition between the liberals and ndp, and the bloc have agreed to support the coalition on all confidence votes.

do i want to see the coalition take over government? not particularly. what i would like to see, is harper being the bigger man and looking out for canada's interests. i want to see him do what a minority prime minister should do: and that's reach out to the opposition, and come up with a budget that is inclusive and built on compromise. if that means he has to get on his knees and beg for opposition support, then so be it. but what does he do? instead, he goes on national television, proving to canada how arrogant he is by not asking for support by the coalition, but by condemning it. all this time, he's been trying to govern as if the conservatives have a majority mandate, which they don't. bully politics and fear tactics is all harper knows as a prime minister. i don't think harper has a compromising bone in his body. conviction is one thing, but we shouldn't mistake arrogance for conviction. the more harper rants, the more it becomes clear that he is not looking out for the best interests of the nation; he's only looking out for his own bruised ego.

it's too late now. the coalition smells blood in the water; they have a taste for power and they'll do whatever they can to bring down the government. i'll admit, this is the most entertaining canadian politics has been in a very long time.